Our Team
Kim Vanacore
Nickname: I go by Kim, Kimmy, Kimberly or Mama Kim (to my daughters friends)
Besides being the owner of Radiant, what other hats do you wear? Besides owning and managing Radiant Yoga I am mother to 4 amazing daughters.
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is my church, my therapy and my gym. It is my time to slow down, contemplate, pray, connect to my source within, listen for guidance, let go of my anxiety, take care of my body, release toxins and so much more. The practice is so necessary and important in my life that I do not teach by choice. It is the one thing I do absolutely for me and is a necessary requirement in my life. It’s made me a better person in countless ways.
Favorite yoga pose: Tough question because so many feel good in my body. A few of my favorites are Triangle, Humble Warrior, Balancing Half Moon, Bear, Prasarita and a few more. I love fun, creative flows where I get out of my head & move fluidly to the music & through the poses.
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The PEOPLE...hands down!! I love, love, love our community (teachers, students & front desk staff). We have a very kind and loving community, very easy going. I consider many in our community my closest friends. I’m grateful that my work place is also my happy place!
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: Complete acceptance of who they are. I want Radiant to be a place students look forward to coming to and a place they grow, learn to love themselves and make deep and lasting connections with other like minded humans.
Andrew Santos
Nickname: Drew, Drewdog (that one is kind of new)
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? I work as a Civil Engineer outside of yoga.
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is essentially a lifestyle to me. It brings balance to every part of my life.
Favorite yoga pose: Extended Side Angle
What’s on your yoga playlist: Electronica, Dance, Pop, 90s Rock, Folk
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: I love the community, the environment, and the space it provides.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: My students are welcome to feel any way they need to. Show up as you are.
Website/social media: IG: Drewusantos | Spotify: AndrewSantos
Angeline Kang
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Mom
What does yoga mean to you: Connection
Favorite yoga pose: Child’s pose
What’s on your yoga playlist: Cool
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: Rad community
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: Boost in alertness
Website/social media: none
Becca Breining
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Mother, Interior Design, Lifestyle, Health & Wellness business owner and coach.
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is a self centered practice. Its a journey to my inner most self. Its practicing presence and observing who I am on and off my mat.
Favorite yoga pose: My favorite passive pose is rag doll and my favorite active pose is half moon.
What’s on your yoga playlist: Anything that makes your body want to move, because I believe the lyrics pull us out and our ability to move intuitively pulls us in.
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The people. They show up. The space always feels welcome and inclusive never exclusive.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: The yoga high! I want people to leave feeling something. As teachers it’s our job to nudge, not judge. I love that this practice allows our students to listen to their bodies, to push when they feel pulled and rest when they feel that’s best. We never know what will be stirred up when we move our bodies.
Website/social media: Beccabreining.com. IG/Spotify:Becca Breining
Buck Lewis
Nickname: Buck Nasty
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Son, father, Life/Business Coach, EMT, Systems Engineer at Odin
What does yoga mean to you: To harness your mind and from that, your life
Favorite yoga pose: a quiet seat
What’s on your yoga playlist: A little bit of everything
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The Community
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: More connected to themselves and those around them
Website/Spotify/social media: IG: @bucklewis247
Carissa Drummond
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear?
sister, daughter, auntie, wife, mom, school teacher
What does yoga mean to you: For me, yoga is relationship and peace. It's where I go when I need to reconnect and realign; it's the home I return to again and again.
Favorite yoga pose: Downdog and half moon
What’s on your yoga playlist: It changes all the time!
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: It was the first studio I landed when I found my yoga practice; I love its community, its passion, and its teachers! The students at Radiant are what I most appreciate though -- their love, enthusiasm, and commitment is amazing!
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I want people to leave my classes feeling energized, reconnected, playful, and curious. My hope is that they are not only ready for their day and their yoga practice off the mat, but also grounded, supported, and joyful in their bodies, breath, heart, mind, and spirit.
Social media/Spotify: IG @lovecariski / Spotify: lovecariski
Emily Robinson
Nickname: Emmy
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Writer, Mom, Mortgage Gig, Animal Rescue Mom
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga to me is space, settling in, compassion and connection
Favorite yoga pose: Balancing half moon
What’s on your yoga playlist: Ryx, Fred Again, Odezza, Anything I feel deep in my core, The cleanest versions of music my teen boys send me, lots of covers
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: Radiant Yoga has become a home for me. I have learned so much in my years at Radiant. I continue to learn from the students and our teaching team. Most of all I find connection, a real space to feel and move.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I want those who attend my classes to feel they always have a safe place to land. Recently a student told me they felt 50% sweat and 50% love. If you leave feeling this, I am good with it.
Website/social: emilyrobinsonwrites.com,
IG & Spotify: @With_love_emmy
Kailey Heron
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Wife, sister, daughter, friend, and pet parent
What does yoga mean to you: Space to practice listening to & working with my body and mind. It’s where I feel safe to tend my mental health and cultivate more compassion for myself and others
Favorite yoga pose: Savasana for R&R. Dancer pose for when I need to celebrate.
What’s on your yoga playlist: I experiment with new-to-me tracks, but I also like to use familiar songs with a steady rhythm that keep time with the way vinyasa moves.
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The community and the friendships I’ve made have been a huge gift.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: My goal is to support people with unhooking from life’s demands and feeling more balanced. No matter what’s going on in your life, when you’re on your mat, I want you to feel empowered to think and move in ways that feel aligned to you. Over time, I hope that feeling of empowerment finds its way further and further into your life off the mat.
Website/social media: kaileydoesyoga@gmail.com, IG: : @kaileydoesyoga
Leslie Evans
Nickname: Les, Leso, Morely and a few others I just can’t share on a professional website .. lol!
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Mom of two, Plant-based cook.
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is not just about putting my body into shapes on my mat; yoga is about living my life ethically with love, peace and acceptance.
Favorite yoga pose: Dragon Fly Twist, half moon and Savasana
What’s on your yoga playlist: awesome music from all genres (except country).
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The teachers and community are awesome!
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I want them to feel accepted and welcome exactly as they are.
Website/social: IG: lesliemaeyogi
Spotify: LeslieMaeEvans
Website: Plantbasedyogini.com (coming soon!)
Natalie Martinez
Nickname: Nan, Nat
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Wife, momma, home chef extraordinaire
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is a way for me to slow things down and listen
Favorite yoga pose: Ustrasana and Gomukhasana
What’s on your yoga playlist: Anything with a groovy beat. Love to build energy through a class playlist. It’s all part of the experience.
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The Radiant community has always had such enthusiasm for the practice, which keeps things exciting.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I hope students feel inspired to stay curious within their practice, and leave with a new understanding about how to best support their body and needs.
Website/social: Spotify - Natalie Martinez
Steph Birch
Nickname: Stephy, Mama Birch, Birch, Loverbutt haha!
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Mama, homeschool teacher, photographer, & newbie bee keeper.
What does yoga mean to you: Connection, a prayer. Sacred service.
Favorite yoga pose: Any pose that makes me feel like I’m dancing on the mat. Also, savasana to let it all go.
What’s on your yoga playlist: .I love a good beat! You’ll hear a mix of disco/house, country, clean hip-hop, & instrumental. I like music to match the intention throughout parts of the class.
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: The people, the warm & welcoming feeling & the team. I love working for Kim. She loves & supports all of us — our gifts, growth, & goals.
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I pray people feel connected and inspired to use this practice to fill up their cups and give back to the world around them.
Website/social media: stephbirch.com, IG & Spotify: @stephynow
Shanna Farnsworth
Nickname: Shanna Banana
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Mom X 5, wife, mini-entrepreneur
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is connection of breath and body. A way to mindfully explore playful movement.
Favorite yoga pose: Balancing Half Moon
What’s on your yoga playlist: Mac Miller, Hozier, Odessa, smooth techno, a little rap, acoustic covers, and some silence
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: I love the caliber of teaching at Radiant. I can always count on a great class, any time of day!
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: I want people to feel like they tried something different and were guided down a new path successfully!
Website/social media: yogashanna.com (http://.yogashanna.com) @yogashanna
Vanassa Hamra
Nickname: V and Vana
Besides yoga teacher, what other hats do you wear? Dog mamma to Squint, partner to Steven, writer and part-time bartender at Ro Sham Beaux wine bar
What does yoga mean to you: Yoga is an way for me to practice radical honesty and with that radical self love and acceptance
Favorite yoga pose: Triangle
What’s on your yoga playlist: Everything from Fredagain to Moby to Led Zeppelin to Sol Rising. I love creating yoga playlists!
What do you love about Radiant Yoga: How authentically and wholeheartedly the Radiant community shows up
What do you want people to feel leaving your class: Grounded, empowered and more loving towards yourself so you can extend love and acceptance towards others
Website/social media: IG - Vanassa.sue, Spotify - vanassasue